On our blog, I enjoy documenting our adventures in travel, style & design, food, family & parenting.
Also, with years of experience in portrait and commercial photography, fashion styling, interior design/decor, retail and enjoying shopping (ahem, retail therapy) myself, we are thrilled to launch our new venture - Bellini Studio & Co.
Please visit Bellini Studio & Co. by clicking on the Shop link. Enjoy!
Hello, my name is Destiny Darcy.
I’m so happy you stopped by.
“Stories can be told with a thousand words or just one image. Both, perhaps, equally powerful.” - D. Darcy
I have served as a photographer in both the private and commercial sector for the past 28 years. I love large events - weddings and commercial events - for the element of unknown they bring. Watching them unfold and finding the golden moments to encapsulate the day is incredibly fun and rewarding. However, intimate moments in the studio with just a small family or a single brave person are also equally fulfilling. Being able to somehow connect with another human in a small moment of time is one of life’s greatest mysteries and joys. To see into their eyes, and really see them, and gain their trust enough for you to capture an image that could last throughout generations is…. Well, that is something I will never take for granted.
Born in Hawaii as a military kid, then living in the beautiful states of Alaska, California, Louisiana, New Mexico, Florida, Colorado, and most recently Texas, so many places feel like home to me. Equally, so many places seem to call out as my next home. As this fun and wild adventure of life would have it, I am currently living in Sweden with my husband and two children.
I love Jesus. I love people. I love to wear hats. And, I absolutely adore traveling and exploring new places. I believe God placed inside each of us a sense of wonder and need to explore. The world is yours to discover, enjoy, and tell a story only you can tell. I hope that I can inspire you to do just that.