We were created to live in community and relationship with others...to help each other. I’m so thankful for friends who show up...and then stay.
On our blog, I enjoy documenting our adventures in travel, style & design, food, family & parenting.
Also, with years of experience in portrait and commercial photography, fashion styling, interior design/decor, retail and enjoying shopping (ahem, retail therapy) myself, we are thrilled to launch our new venture - Bellini Studio & Co.
Please visit Bellini Studio & Co. by clicking on the Shop link. Enjoy!
We were created to live in community and relationship with others...to help each other. I’m so thankful for friends who show up...and then stay.
There is something about starting with an empty pot and slowly layering in ingredients until you have something perfectly warm and wonderful.
My dream was to “one day” have a lifestyle session in our home that we built. One day…after it was decorated how I imagined. One day…after all the walls were painted. One day…
Call people you see by name - and see how the world around you changes.
How can something so small (one drop, two drops), be so polarizing?
My little homeschool student is watching, observing and taking mental notes on everything I do.